Post by dipakgurjar on May 14, 2010 11:04:29 GMT 5.5
www.dainiknavajyoti.com/hindi/news_details.php?newsid=2876Thursday, 13 May | 03:04:21 PM IST कर्नल ने समाज को धोखा दिया दौसा, 12 मई। गुर्जर आरक्षण संघर्ष समिति के राष्टीय संयोजक रामवीरसिंह विधूडी ने कहा कि कर्नल किरोडी सिंह बैसला मानसिक संतुलन खो बैठे हैं। विधूडी बुधवार को मुख्यालय पर स्थित एक निजी होटल मे प्रेस वार्ता में बोल रहे थे। उन्होने कहा कि कर्नल बैसला काफी लम्बे समय तक सेना में रहे हैं, उनके ऐसे बयानों की मैं कड़े शब्दों मे निन्दा करता हूं। उन्होने कहा कि अगर हमारी कोई हैसियत नहीं होने के बावजूद पाटोली से शुरु हुए आन्दोलन के दौरान पूरे एनसीआर को बंद कर दिया तथा दिल्ली के आसपास के राज्यों में भी जाम लगा दिया। साथ ही राजस्थान में आन्दोलन कर रहे गुर्जर समाज के लोगो की आर्थिक सहायता के लिए 50 करोड़ रुपए पहुंचाएं। जब हमने एनसीआर को बंद कर दिया तब कर्नल बैसला साथियों के साथ मेरे पास पहुंचे और उन्होने मुझसे मुख्य संरक्षक बनने का आग्रह किया था, साथ ही यह भी कहा था कि आपकी हमें आवश्यकता है। मै उनको नही राजस्थान के गुर्जर समाज के लोगों की लगातार मदद करता आ रहा हंू। गुर्जर आरक्षण आन्दोलन का मैने राष्टÑीय स्तर पर नेतृत्व भी किया है तब भी मै दिल्ली वाला था अब आज आपको आवश्यकता नहीं है मै दिल्ली का हो गया। उन्होने कहा कि पीलू का पूरा में हुए आन्दोलन के दौरान मैने 6 दिन तक आन्दोलन का नेतृत्व किया था। कर्नल ने अपने निजी स्थार्थो को पूर्ति के लिए सरकार से समझौता कर लिया। मंैने उस समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर नहीं किया तथा तब से अब तक मै यही पूछता आ रहा हूं गुर्जरों को मिला आरक्षण कहां है। मैं इस समझौते का लगातार विरोध करता आ रहा हूं तो आज मै दिल्ली वाला हो गया। उन्होंने कहा कि तीन आन्दोलनों में कर्नल ने अपने निजी स्थार्थो को सिद्व किया है। पहले आन्दोलन में गरीबी हटाओं, दूसरे आन्दोलन में लोकसभा का टिकट पाओ, सगे संबंधियो को चेयरमैन बनाओं तथा तीसरे आन्दोलन के दौरान राज्यसभा का टिकट का सौदा किया है। उन्होने कहा कि जब कर्नल को यह पता था कि न्यायालय के फैसले के बाद ही स्थिति स्पष्ट होगी तो उन्होने समाज को क्यो धोखा दिया। तथा 22 दिन तक समाज के लोगों को आन्दोलन की आग में झोंक दिया। उन्होंने कहा कि सरकार से हुए समझौते में उन्होने आन्दोलन में घायलों को पेंशन दिलाए जाने, दर्ज मुकदमों को वापस कराने, एक प्रतिशत आरक्षण की वैधानिकता पर कोई चर्चा नहीं की, केवल उन्होंने समझौते में अपनी व अपनी बेटी के बारे में बात की है। उन्होने कहा कि कर्नल ने अपने छोटे-छोटे स्वार्थो के लिए कौम को बेच दिया है। उन्होने कहा कि 13 मई को सिकन्दरा में राष्टÑीय महापंचायत का आयोजन किया जा रहा है, जिसमे सबको मामूल चल जाएगा कि मै समाज के साथ हू या समाज धोखेबाजों के साथ है। उन्होने राष्टÑीय महापंचायत के बारे में बताया कि सभी तैयारियां कर ली गई है, महापंचायत में समाज के प्रमुख नेताओं को आमंत्रित किया गया है। उन्होने कहा कि महापंचायत पर गुर्जर जाति को पांच प्रतिशत आरक्षण दिए जाने, आन्दोलन में घायल हुए समाज के लोगो को पेंशन दिलाए जाने, दर्ज हुए मुकद्मे सशर्त वापस होने, जेल में बंद समाज के लोगो की सशर्त रिहाई के बारे में चर्चा की जावेगी। उन्होने कहा कि अब आरक्षण आन्दोलन तीन चरणो में चलाया जावेगा। प्रथम चरण में 29 मई को शहीद दिवस है, पाटोली में शहीद हुए समाज के लोगो को श्रद्वांजलि दी जाएगी साथ ही राज्य के प्रत्येक जिला मुख्यालय पर धरना व ज्ञापन दिया जाएगा। द्वितीय चरण में विधानसभा के मानसून सत्र के दौरान विधानसभा के समक्ष धरना दिया जाएगा। तीसरे चरण मे गुर्जर समाज के वरिष्ठ नेता दिल्ली में एक दिवसीय धरना देंगे तथा धरना के बाद प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहनसिंह, कांग्रेसाध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी को ज्ञापन के साथ सरकार को एक माह का समय दिया जावेगा। इस मौके पर युवा नेता विरेन्द्र गुर्जर ने कहा कि युवाओ में भारी रोष व्याप्त है। उन्होंने कहा कि हमे संवैधानिक दायरे में पांच प्रतिशत आरक्षण चाहिए, उसके लिए सरकार को ठोस कदम उठाने चाहिए। Attachments:
Post by dipakgurjar on May 14, 2010 11:07:45 GMT 5.5
www.dainiknavajyoti.com/hindi/news_details.php?newsid=2874Thursday, 13 May | 03:03:05 PM IST बैंसला पर आरोप बेबुनियाद: कानोता दौसा। राजस्थान बाल युवा गुर्जर महासभा के मुख्य कार्यकारी प्रदेशाध्यक्ष पुष्पेन्द्र गुर्जर कालोता ने प्रेस विज्ञप्ति जारी कर बताया कि कर्नल किरोडी सिंह बैसला पर लगाए जा रहे आरोप बेबुनियाद है तथा रामवीरसिंह विधूडी कर्नल बैसला को समाज के बीच बदनाम करने की कोशिश कर किसी राजनैतिक पार्टी से समझौता करना चाहते हैं। कर्नल ने गुर्जर समाज का एकछत्र नेतृत्व कर हिन्दुत्व में समाज का नाम किया तथा पहले 14 प्रतिशत सवर्णो को आन्दोलन के माध्यम से आरक्षण दिलवाया। जिसे राजस्थान सरकार ने स्वीकृ त कर दिया लेकिन वह राजस्थान हाईकोर्ट में अटक गया। कालोता ने कहा कि अब कर्नल बैसला ने सरकार से समझौता कर गुर्जर समाज को एक प्रतिशत आरक्षण तुरन्त लागू करके दिलवाया है और आरक्षण आन्दोलन को समाप्त करने की घोषणा की जिसे पूरे राजस्थान के गुर्जरों ने माना है तथा जिस पर समाज के कुछ जयचंद राजनीति करके अपना राजनैतिक लाभ लेकर सरकार से लाल बत्ती की गाडी लेना चाहते है। जिसे राजस्थान का गुर्जर कभी बर्दाश्त नहीं करेगा। कर्नल बैसला ने सरकार से सभी समझौते समाज के हित में किए है Attachments:
Post by TOI News on May 17, 2010 12:47:59 GMT 5.5
SIKANDRA: Leadership struggle within the Gujjar community took a turn — only time will tell whether it's for better or worse — when thousands of them poured in for yet another ‘mahapanchayat' here on Thursday.
The meet announced a fresh date — June 13 — for choking all the highways in the state if the state government did not yield by June 1 to their demand of 5% reservation in the 80,000 government jobs announced recently. Also featuring now on their charter is a request by the state to the Centre to create a ‘Gujjar regiment' in the defence.
While serving the ultimatum before a gathering of about 3,000 Gujjars, former Delhi legislator Ramvir Singh Bidhuri, however, did not let any opportunity go by to take pot-shots at Bainsla. "He had warned me that he would not let me enter Rajasthan, but here I am. And I am sure he has sent his people to create nuisance here," he alleged.
Bidhuri was referring to an unrest in a section of the crowd at the venue after which some people had to be removed. "We also want all cases on our people to be taken back, those in jail to be freed and at least Rs 10,000 pension for those injured in our agitations," he said.
However, the coup bid by this section of the leadership, who were on the fringe so far, over Kirori Singh Bainsla, who spearheaded the belligerent community's agitation to its logical end, is not without initial hiccups. Bidhuri's coronation, if at all, as the next Gujjar leader in the state was not all smooth.
The assembly in its initial stages was totally disrupted after a certain ‘committee' decided to keep people from Dausa off from addressing the crowd. "A decision has been taken by the committee that no one from Dausa will be allowed to address the crowd," the compere had barely finished the words, his microphone was snatched by local leader Umrao Singh Dhoi. "We will stage the agitation, we will face the bullets. But who is this committee to disallow us from addressing the crowd," he shouted over the mike.
That was enough to stir a hornet's nest as hundreds of people walked up to the dais and disrupted proceedings completely. The organisers then had to take back their words and allow those from Dausa to take hold of the show. Some from the Bainsla camp also took the opportunity to show their ire at having ‘dethroned' him.
What also emerged from the mahapanchayat was that while leaders like Bidhuri, former BJP ministers Prahlad Gunjal, Kalulal Gujjar, Nathu Singh Gujjar, former minister from Haryana Kartar Singh Bhadana and many other former MLAs and MPs might take the front line but it is the people from the community who have now decided to keep them upfront.
"It is for umpteen times that we have towed our leaders only to be cheated at the end. This time, there may be a committee of 10 to 12 people to represent us but we will lead ourselves," said former MLA from Nagar Gopi Chand.
Post by Gujjar on May 17, 2010 13:22:49 GMT 5.5
Mr. A.P.Singh & Gujjars, I am suprised that Gujjars are still in effort to get b5% quota. I had listened that after withdrawing of demand of ST staus the %5 quota was awarde to Rajasthani Gujjars. If demand is not fulfiled by Govt than why not Gujjars againn demand for ST staus.I know its a sensitive and crusual for issue. I not know much about that. Would you like to tell me what mistakes were in the last agitation and what is current situation and what is the future of this issue in your eye.Please write briefly.
Post by AP Singh on May 18, 2010 12:35:27 GMT 5.5
Mr. A.P.Singh & Gujjars, I am suprised that Gujjars are still in effort to get b5% quota. I had listened that after withdrawing of demand of ST staus the %5 quota was awarde to Rajasthani Gujjars. If demand is not fulfiled by Govt than why not Gujjars againn demand for ST staus.I know its a sensitive and crusual for issue. I not know much about that. Would you like to tell me what mistakes were in the last agitation and what is current situation and what is the future of this issue in your eye.Please write briefly. This problem started by Maharani Vasundhara Raje, when she wanted to include the community of his Maharaja husband in to OBC Catagory to make sure reservation for all her future generations. At that time just to avoid any resistance from other OBCs including Gujjars she promised them that they will be provided the benefits of communities like STs later which she flatly refused after winning the election.
Later when the Gujjars protested against her denial they received the bullets of the police force and lives were lost. consequently the bill was passed to make separate catagory for the people who were extremely backwards due to suppression of the regime during Mughal and British period, i,e,. the slavery period of the country.
It is crystal clear from the events followed afterwards that this bill was delayed deliberately by using the other methods within the constitution, to make folls of innocent communities who were to get the benefits. Gujjars are not aware of. Firstly the Governor of the state was sitting on it and later it was challenged in the court of law as a well thought out strategy.
In this situation I think the following strategy should be discussed and followed.
1. The Gujjars should not fight alone for themselves but should fight together with and for the cause of other OBC communities , who suffered equally because of the inclusion of Jats within OBC without making separate provision for them.
2. Together with these communities the , Gujjars should ask for information under RTI to assess their share of loss after the inclusion iof Jats under OBC Catagory without enhancing the quota or making separate provision of them. As is known to me from various sources the Jats have consumed almost 50% of the quota out of 27% given to OBCs.
3. Based on the facts received from RTI , the PIL should be filed after consulting with various legal experts to take the stay order from the Hon'able Courts against the bill passed to include Jats and to reslore the old System of reservation. This will stop the benefits given by Maharani to the community of her own husband and her future generations at the cost of the other OBCs till separate provisions are made for extremely OBCs in the state. This will also make the fight stronger since jats would not like to suffer and they will also fight for enhancing the quota which can be enhanced more than 50% on the pattern of states like Tamilnadu.
4. In a Secular and democratic country like ours we should not fight at Community Level only for the benefit of one community or ourselves but to fight for all the communities who are suffering equally. This is the main difference between a Backward community and so called forward communities. These so called forward communities will even instigate the fight among others to get the maximum gains for their own community without leaving any evidence of it. This is exactly what is done by them by including Jats without enhancing the OBC quota or making the separate provisions for others.
This may be taken as a short term goal. The long therm goal should be to get inclusion for the communities whose conditions are worse than Meenas to get them included among ST catagory. All these fights should be initiated by taking the help of System already implemented under constitution and steps like agitations should be adopted only when someone is found favouring his own community out of the way. This is important since approach ( or Sifarish) is a sure reservation which effectively is being used under the present system by all the so called forward communities to benefit their own people.
I would like to emphasize that am personally against all kind of reservations and nobody in my family take the benefot of reservations. However under the circumstances I strongly recommend reservation since unfortunately our beloved country remained slave for more than 300 years and during this time some specific communities were prospered and other specific commmunities were suppressed. This is evident from the tax system followed during Mughals where Brahmins among Hindus had to pay only 12% tax, Rajput 33% and communities like Gujjars had to pay 75% tax of their income in Rajasthan. During British period the though the tax system was uniform but Gujjars were differentiated against others in getting the Government jobs. It was only after the world war II the Gujjars were requested to join the armed forces and the Britishers were surprised by these examplary gallant people when a 18 year old Gujjar Boy Kamal Ram Harshana volunteered for certain most adventurous and difficult task in Turky and won the most admired battle of the war and thus the Victoria Cross.
Hence under the present circumstamnce the reservation is must to bring every community at equal par with others to compensate them for the period of their sufferings during slavery period of the country. This will greatly help the nation to get services from these people who protected the country from Arab attacks for more than 300 years at a time when Arabs were the most powerfull Empire of the world and the countries up to spain were conquered by them with in less than 25 years. In India they could not enter an inch beyond Kabul after 850AD when Gujjar Samrat blocked their expansion there.
Post by Gujar Rajasthani on May 19, 2010 9:59:33 GMT 5.5
The attitude of political leaders belonging to Gujar community is devoid of any social commitment, social responsibility and vision for over all upliftment of the community. I can say without hesitation that these Gujar leaders are "satta ke dalaal" and their first and last motive is to increase their personal agenda and stature. They do not have any unity even for the social cause, they are always busy in leg pulling (crab mentality), they are selfish and have very narrow mind.
Gujars do not have any effective social leadership and organisation with honest agenda . Because of it Gujars are not a political force in Nothern India and can not achieve anything in the democratic system in absence of unity. They are unable to create a pressure group for their genuine demands...!
There is very limited educated and committed middle class population among Gujars who can bring change in the society....that is why we are atleast 100 years behind in comparision to other agri based communities in every sphere of life.....!
Post by Gujjar on May 25, 2010 13:38:49 GMT 5.5
Mr. A.P.Singh, You are absolutely right that we have to leave the single fight policy as I always listened the voice among the Gujjars "Gujjar is lonely enough for others".If we incude other deseving castes in agitation than it will become a political issue otherwise it will be shown as a community show on media.(Right thinking).Please tell us more about this issue and about rajasthani Gujjar's traditions, cultures, history or any thing you know about them.Most important have they also bravery status Or terror status as a common person like Gujjars have in Lahore,Punjab,U.P,Haryana & Delhi.
Post by AP Singh on May 25, 2010 18:36:30 GMT 5.5
Dear Gujjar,
The Gujjars mainly dominate the areas on the borders of Rajasthan, MP and UP. Bhind Murena though are located in MP state but are very near to Kannauj of U.P., from where the Imperial Gujjars ruled over the places as far Dhaka in the east and Kabul ( I would not call it as distant place since all the places have large population of Gujjars in those areas) in the west. Chambal Valley, spread-out in all these three states is dominated by Gujjars.
Mohar Singh, a dacoit of 70s, and a movie on his real life is also made, was having a gang of 400 dacoits was the most powerful of all times. He was a man of Character and never indulged in cheap activities like Nirbhay Singh did two decades later. Mohar Singh was a wrestler but this area is so backward that little fights do occur without any reason and people get converted to dacoits and a wrestler like Mohar Singh are more prone to it since they can not bear even very little insult specially to their elders. Gabbar Singh another Gujjar dacoit insulted the father of Wrestler Mohar Singh, who is a Gujjar of Praihar ( Pratihar) Gotra, when this young wrestler grounded three big wrestlers one by one and supported by Gabbar Singh. To take the revenge Mohar Singh entered the Chambal valley and rest is history.
Chambal Valley, SWAT Valley and Nagda Valley ( connecting Gujarat to Malwa Ujjain throgh Udaipur, were stronghold of Gujjars during the The Gujjar Pratihar Empire. Nagda valley the Gujjars lost control when Udai Singh Nagari, the last Gujjar ruler of Nagda valley advanced to Khanwa to take the battle with Babar alongwith the 12000 of his chosen cavaliers and sacrificed his life. These three people, the Gujjars more or less enjoyed more freedom compared to others regions which were easily accessible to the later non Gujjar rulers like Khiljis and Mughals.
Rajsthan Gujjars are comparatively less educated but are tougher like the Gujjars of SWAT and Chambal Valley. Some of them are very well educated but the percentage is very low. Certain sections are completely isolated and remain on hilltops only like the Nomad Gujjars India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. In some of the districts like Jhalawar and Tonk most of the Gujjars very poor and uneducated and certainly deserve the Government benefits provided to other such tribes. Duasa the Gujjars are well off since their main crop is Mustard which is a cash crop.
The main profession of most of the Gujjars all over world is producing milk. This is probably because the Gujjars had one of best cavalry in the world in the times of Gujjar Kushans and Gujjar Pratihar Empire, where man-animal relationship was very important to win the the wars. So probably the Gujjars are commercially exploiting the paternal training received by them from generation to generation to take care of animals to survive. But, unfortunately, the cost of milk in the market is not even half of its manufacturing cost and as a result many Gujjars remained poor only. If everything accounted properly, including the depreciation on the cost of animal during their milk producing period the amnufacturing cost of milk can not be less than INR 100/litre of milk but in actual it is sold in Delhi @ INR 28/- litre and the farmer or the owner of the animal gets much less may be INR 18/- litre only.
In other areas where Gujjars are rich landholders like Western UP, some part of Haryana and Punjab, some part of Maharashtra their main crop is sugarcane and wheat and the price of both are is also controlled by the Government due to political reasons and the farmers as a result remained poor.
Apart from taking other issues such issues of farmers irrespective of community should also be addressed by the leaders..
Post by Gujjar on May 26, 2010 17:18:28 GMT 5.5
Mr. Ashok Harsna, Please you also write about rajasthani Gujjars and their problems and about the rajsthani Gujjar's agitations and their future.
Post by Gujjar on May 27, 2010 13:15:29 GMT 5.5
Mr.A.P.Singh, Was 5% quota alternative of ST status which was agreed by Bainsla.You sad in an eralier he did right thing joining political party but now he has resigned from BJP.Will agitatiom be the same as it was in the past?